Searching the net today i came across an advert where you can make a prayer request ........ Firstly i thought oh how lovely even if it is a load of cobblers theres people out there willing to help god fearing people in their time of need..... Now im not religious in anyway shape or form but i know abit about religion and the bible etc what has really validated my opinion of christianity is that upon filling in the form for my prayer request, the hunch that i had was validated .These so called christians are CHARGING MONEY for some one to Pray or "talk to god" on their behalf and if they'd like it to be URGENT theres an extra fee!!!!!
Now don't get me wrong i'm all for the power of positive thinking but These people are making a statement of FACT that if you pay x amount of $$$ you will have your prayers answered ...BOLLOCKS!!!!! If little "peggy sue" goes and pays 100$ for her terminally ill grandfather to survive ,She is going to be heartbroken when she learns he is NOT going to miraculously live another 10 years .......
I have never been so disgusted in all my life , What these animals are doing is preying on the emotionally weak and vulnerable who actually believe that there is a higher being who can make miracles happen and who are lets face it desperate for a glimmer of hope and they are then using their misery for profit! it is to me beyond wrong and not just morally.
These people who claim to be in direct contact with the deity himself are fools and have made christianity another money making scam!!!
Please if you are thinking of handing over money to these morons please seek help from a free service that makes no promises and teaches you rather than ripping you off........ Below ive added the link so you can see for yourselves what i say is true please feel free to comment and lets make a spectacle of these arseholes